Smart Mirror - The Mirror

Finding a two-way mirror wasn’t particularly difficult, all I had to do was call up a few places, get estimates, get some samples, and then buy the one that looked the best. You can see in the picture below one of my samples as well as the mirror I went with.

The sample above has an amber tint to it, which I wasn’t a fan of, so I didn’t go with that choice. I ordered the mirror with the dimensions 12 and 3/4 inches by 21 and 1/2 inches, and it nearly perfectly matches the monitor.

Using a preliminary version of my interface, I gave it a quick test to see how it looked, and it’s pretty good. It’s reflective, as you’d expect, and the visuals shine through nicely. The tint is a bit amber-ish, so I’ll have to play around with the monitor settings, but aside from that it’s looking good.

From here I need to build the frame, finish implementing the interface, assemble it all, and then mount it on my wall.

You can read about building the frame on my next post.

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